Thursday, 25 September 2008

"Mission to the Unknown"

Space Security Agent Marc Cory has discovered that the Daleks are planning the conquest of the Milky Way with the help of other hostile extra-galactic powers. They are on the nightmarish planet of Kembel where they have arranged a conference. Meanwhile, Cory and Gordon Lowery must send a message warning of the attack to the Solar System before they are killed by the Daleks or the horrors they have brought with them.

This is the hors d'Ĺ“uvre to the epic that is to come, and is extremely satisfying. The absence of the TARDIS crew means that we do not have their reassuring presence and the outcome is by no means certain. Indeed, the sheer urgency of the episode wipes all memories of the clumsy farce of The Chase from the mind. The Daleks’ sense of menace is very much restored the stakes are much higher- it is no longer the fate of mere planets that are in question, but galaxies. Edward de Souza plays Marc Cory very well and Jeremy Young puts real humanity into Gordon Lowery, and there is a fascinating array of aliens at the conference. The Varga plants are truly terrifying monsters and the appetite is piqued for the main course…

Next: The Myth Makers

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