Thursday 21 January 2010

'DOCTOR WHO will return in...'

Well, that's it- every single episode of Doctor Who seen and reviewed! I've written over 125,000 words, enough to qualify as a good-sized novel. I would like to thank my little sister and tiny brother for allowing me to raid their VHS and DVD collections as well as Jim, who lent me two (or was it three?) DVDs. I would thank Swiss Cottage Library in London, but I did have to pay £1 each to rent Revenge of the Cybermen and Terror of the Zygons- for three days. But I digress. I would also like to thank the ladies and gentlemen at a project with a name not unlike Unsecured Arquebus for their sterling work.

A lot of people (well, some people anyway) have asked if I will continue. All I will say is this: writing one review a week is far less hassle than writing three or four. So it is with pleasure that I say:

NEXT: "The Eleventh Hour"

1 comment:

vidal said...


...I hope I wasn't the only one asking if you'd continue on!